Thank you for stopping by this very unfinished website! I created Jubilife Vibes this long ago after I was inspired from quite the long yet totally scheduled rabbit hole of the indieweb and the potential future of the internet. Unfortunately, I wasn't online around the time where freedom and endless customization to your heart's content were the norm, so I'm doing the next best thing, trying my best to relearn everything I forgot from my freshman year web design class in order to help preserve this beautiful way of life. I almost instantly fell in love with Neocities and everyone apart of it, and I just couldn't wait to join this awe-inspiring little corner of the internet. Hopefully I can consistently keep this website up for long enough and it won't just fade out of my memory. :P But yeah, thank you for reading this all the way to the end, and I hope to see you again soon, better than before!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~



- reformatted home page
- added a guestbook!
- added WiiRing
- changed eepy rowlet to neocities profile link
- fixed status! (had to find a workaround since I created my account after 2024..)
- added player for jubilife city theme!
- added snow effect (because Platinum)
- "finished" about me page
- thank you for 1k views!


- added WAY more blinkies
- added no ai webring
- added null webring


- added blog, shrine, contact and links page
- reorganized source code file structure
- created website button for public use
- fixed status bar
- added this changelog!
- added webring block in about page; added ds ring
- updated header/logo for website
- added border to rowlet for continuity
- added more blinkies (important)


- add buttons for super awesome websites

- write your first blog

- clean up about me page

- finish contacts page

- make a pokemon shrine

- see what I'm listening to

- finish about me page

- add a music player for the jubilife city theme

- get rid of the weird lines in between navbar links

- make and link a guestbook

- finish rough home page layout

- add a site update log

- replace placeholder header

- add website introduction/blurb

- create an about me page

- make a small blog/updates panel or page

- make a status bar

- blinkies!

- join a webring

- make a chatlog


powered by Surfing Waves