Welcome to my blog!

It’s finally done!
This was the main reason as to why I created this website. I found on neocities that a ton of people mainly use their websites as a blog or a journal, and I adore all of them! I love yapping and I love writing, sharing to a bunch of lovely internet strangers all sorts of stuff that’s on my mind. Writing became something that I’ve done since I was in middle school because not a lot of my friends then were willing or wanted to listen to what I had to say, and it made me pretty sad. (I didn’t know I was autistic then, but it makes sense!) I’m sure you know that when you really want to talk about something it’s really difficult to keep it to yourself, so I just started writing to myself! Essays, rants, timelines and what deadass look like red string conspiracy boards became a big hobby of mine, and now I have the power to share all of it thanks to this lovely and welcoming community!
Going forward, I will try to put out a new article every Friday to practice writing as much as I can, as well as consistently put out content that you guys might enjoy! I would not at all be surprised if my writing is really dogshit, so I highly encourage sending any feedback anywhere through my contacts page! Writing is an art that can always be improved, so I will always welcome any helpful comments/criticisms, especially for my more academic work. Anyways, articles will be one of three categories:
personal: More of a journal than an actual essay. Either something related to my life or whatever’s pressing my mind at the moment. These might be shorter than the others, and depending on the topic there might not be much context or details provided for the sake of privacy. This is the internet after all, every word published stays here forever! These probably won’t be very formal.
academic: Mostly formal, non personal essays about a certain topic that I’m interested in. It can really be about anything: games, art, music, books, what’s in my fridge this morning, whatever. Sources will be used AND provided!
Rant: Also a non personal article about a topic, but not formal whatsoever XD. It will be a very loosely defined essay, but this serves mostly to talk about something really quickly. Most likely day one movie reviews will fit in this category, but also anything else that I don’t feel like writing a paper on. Sources will be provided if needed, but don’t expect very many, these are mostly going to be (probably terrible) infodumps.
And that’s pretty much everything! Thank you so much for being willing to read my dumb thoughts, and thank you to the wildly supportive and encouraging community here in Neocities for all your lovely comments and feedback!
See you guys very soon!